
This Terrafform Code Playbook is our reference for creating maintainable and readable Terrform projects and modules. Something canonical that tells us what the current “right way” to do things is.

We use a few tools to standardise our coding style, such as terraform fmt, terraform-docs, Tflint and tfsec. However these tools can still allow for difficult to read/maintain or overcomplicated code.

Terraform is continually developing, and as such our standards may change to follow the latest way of doing things. We should ensure that the code we write is maintainable and accessible for developers of any skillset.

Updating the Terraform Code Playbook #

Our Terraform Code Playbook is a collaborative effort. Anyone at dxw can and should edit it. So if you spot something that’s wrong, feel free to hop in and correct it.

But remember that this Playbook is the result of our conversations about how we should do things, not a substitute for one. So don’t make changes unless they reflect our shared agreement about how things are going to be done.

This document is also public, because there is very little about our process that cannot be open. But there will be some things that should be private. So don’t forget that changes here get published to the world.

To update the Terraform Code Playbook, follow the guide to Contributing to the Playbook and use dxw Tone of voice