Contributing to the Terraform Code Playbook

The Terraform Code Playbook is public and anyone, inside or outside of dxw, can suggest changes to it. This means you!

We manage changes via GitHub ‘Pull Requests’. This is a technical term for requesting a specific change is made to a repository of text. Often this text is code, but in this case it’s the contents of this Playbook. It allows everyone to see exactly what changes are being proposed, and for discussion and changes to be made before it is ‘merged’, and those changes to be recorded for the future.

If you’re experienced in doing this, then all you need to know is that this repository is available at

If creating a pull request is new to you, then don’t worry, here is a guide to use Netlify CMS to create one for you.

What you will need #

You will need a GitHub account. If you don’t already have one, then sign up here. You do not need to be added to the dxw GitHub organisation to be able to suggest changes.

Suggesting a change #

  1. Open the page for editing

    For an existing page:

    1. Navigate to the page you want to edit
    2. Click on the yellow ‘Edit this page’ link

    For an new page:

    1. Navigate to the most relevant ‘parent’ for the new page
    2. Click on the yellow ‘Add a new page here’ link

    Alternatively, if you prefer to use the admin backend directly:

    1. Choose the page you want to change from the backend

      • If it’s an existing page, find it under ‘Collections’.
      • If it’s a new page you want to add, find the appropriate section under ‘Collections’ and click the ‘New ' button.
  2. If you are not logged in, you need to log in with your GitHub account
  3. If you are asked if you want to ‘fork the repo’, you do
  4. Make your edits in the ‘Rich Text’ editor
  5. Click ‘Save’ at the top of the page
  6. Click ‘Status: Draft’ and choose ‘In review’

Your suggested changes will not be live yet. Your suggestions should be available to view on the GitHub Pull Requests page. After a few minutes, you should be able to view a preview of the Playbook with your changes by clicking on the URL next to ‘😎 Browse the preview’

Reviewing changes #

Everyone’s suggested changes that are being reviewed are publicly available. Anyone can publicly comment on a suggested change. Only GitHub accounts that have been added to the dxw GitHub organisation and staff team can ‘merge’ a pull request and make it live. If you are not on this list and want to be, please email with your GitHub username.

To see the suggested changes, you can click the ‘Files changed’ tab to see lines of text that have been removed (in red) and lines of text that have been added (in green). Alternatively you can click on the URL next to ‘😎 Browse the preview’ to see what the Playbook will look like if this change is accepted.

Anyone can comment on a pull request, and the more voices the better. It’s suggested that you contact one or two people specifically who you think would be good to review your changes, or alternatively ask in the #dxw-playbook slack channel.

Things you need a developer for #

Not everything related to content is self-serve (yet). There are a few things that still rely on someone getting up close and personal with the codebase behind this website.

Creating new sections #

To create a new section (or subsection) of content, there are a few steps:

  1. Create a folder for the section with its name matching the desired URL path component

    For example, to add a “My new section” section to the root of the site, creating a folder src/new-section would put its contents at /new-section/. Then adding a subsection “My new subsection” to that section would involved creating another folder src/new-section/new-subsection at /new-section/new-subsection/.

  2. Create a base page for the section

    All sections must have a markdown file corresponding to the index or base of that section. This can either be an nested inside that new folder or a .md file on the same level as the folder with a matching name.

    Generally, if the section is a root section (i.e. src/<section>), we use the approach, using the matching named peer file approach for subsections (it makes it easier to see the content at each level).

    This page can either be an empty file (except for some frontmatter with at least the title) to create a pure index page listing all related pages, or a page full of content as normal.

  3. Add Netlify CMS config for the new section

    Netlify CMS is configured by src/admin/config.yml. See how other sections are configured and duplicate that configuration for your new section.

  4. Use the CMS to add nested content as normal

Reordering pages #

All pages are implicitly sorted by their title unless overridden. To add an override, set the value of related_order in the frontmatter. A lower number is listed before a higher number. Pages without a related_order have an implicit order value set in _config.yml in the root of the project.

Redirects #

There are two approaches to redirects in the playbook and they solve different issues.

jekyll-redirect-from gem #

A redirect_from entry can be added to a page’s front matter - this works for redirecting one page to another and retaining section-specific linking via the hash fragment (if present).

This is powered by the jekyll-redirect-from gem (with section/hash support via the redirect.html template), and requires developer assistance. This is the preferred approach as it keeps redirect information tightly coupled to the content.

Example situations:

  • old_pagenew_page
  • old_page#sectionnew_page#section

Redirect manager #

There is a redirect manager in the Netlify CMS. Within this admin section you can enter a redirect from and a redirect to value. This enables redirects (powered by redirect.js) which are not supported by the jekyll-redirect-from gem, such as redirecting what was previously a single section of a page to a new dedicated page. If you create an entry in this section please test it once the build has completed.

Example situations:

  • old_page#section_onenew_page_one
  • old_page#section_twonew_page_two